Přemýšlím o tom, jestli si vylévat obsah své duše, nebo jen popsat své oblečení, případně den.
Jenže pocity zmizí a za pár stran vyzní klišovitě a trapně.
Takže takhle; tohle dětské pončo jsem objevila u maminky hluboko ve skříni. Nosila ho v 7 letech a já sama jsem ho na sobě měla jednou jako opravdu velmi malá holčička. Tahala jsem ho po zemi.
No, jak jde vidět, moc jsem nevyrostla...
I'm thinking about writing. How to write. It's better to write about my feelings and soul, or just describe my clothes or day...?
But feelings last for a short while, after few pages they will seem like a cliché.
So, this poncho was found by me in my mom's closet. She wore it at the age of 7. I wore it at some festive occasions and the poncho was much bigger than me.
Well, I haven't grown up that much...
But feelings last for a short while, after few pages they will seem like a cliché.
So, this poncho was found by me in my mom's closet. She wore it at the age of 7. I wore it at some festive occasions and the poncho was much bigger than me.
Well, I haven't grown up that much...