A pak jsem chtěla ušít sukni, ale o tom jindy...
Um ... I'm sick, so I was very bored (especially if your computer does not work, neither player for movies). So I cook something rouzhodla-pudding. It ended badly. So I cooked spaghetti. I had used to clean pots for pudding Savo, but somehow I was wrong and used caustic. The problem was that the trigger did not go, but after a few minutes, I succeeded. I finally pulled the trigger-corrosive and splashed into the spaghetti. And then I wanted to make a skirt, but more on that later ...
Šicí stroj / Sewing machine
Stůl nemocné / Patient table
Stará fotka/ Old photo
Vaše Johanka-k
Your Johanka-k
Koukám, že seš šikovná :D Ale díky těm jahodám na fotce, si mi připomněla, že jsme dostala k Vánocům sadu na Fondue plus kýbl čokolády, tudíž si zejtra půjdu nakoupit ovoce:)
ReplyDeleteJ0j, nedělej mi chutě.)!
DeleteNo jo den blbec, to znám
ReplyDeleteA někdy jsem i já blbec.)...
Deletewoow ake mas dlhokanske nohy :)
ReplyDeleteAž na strop.)! Ale no tak, nepřeháněj...